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Query: NC_007434:1712000:1791577 Burkholderia pseudomallei 1710b chromosome I, complete sequence

Start: 1791577, End: 1795038, Length: 3462

Host Lineage: Burkholderia pseudomallei; Burkholderia; Burkholderiaceae; Burkholderiales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: This species is an opportunistic pathogen and can cause pneumonia, bacteremia, and melioidosis. It is normally found in terrestrial environments and has been recovered from rice paddies and moist tropical soil. It is endemic in Asia and Australia, but can be found in other parts of the world. The organism can exist intracellularly and can spread through the bloodstream (bacteremia).

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SubjectStartEndLengthSubject Host DescriptionCDS descriptionE-valueBit score
NC_009921:6691089:6727674672767467305382865Frankia sp. EAN1pec, complete genomePatatin4e-53210
NC_009921:3098271:3155971315597131589072937Frankia sp. EAN1pec, complete genomehypothetical protein9e-47189