Query: NC_016781:844613 Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis 3/99-5 chromosome, complete

Lineage: Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis; Corynebacterium; Corynebacteriaceae; Actinomycetales; Actinobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: This disease is found in all the world's major sheep and goat production areas, causing significant economic losses worldwide, mainly due to the reduction of wool, meat and milk yields, decreased reproductive efficiencies of affected animals and condemnation of carcasses and skins in abattoirs. In some cases, the infection produces few obvious clinical signs in the animal, remaining unrecognized until a post-mortem examination has been carried out and, making it difficult to obtain definitive data about prevalence of the disease.

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Subject: NC_015859:370500 Corynebacterium variabile DSM 44702 chromosome, complete genome

Lineage: Corynebacterium variabile; Corynebacterium; Corynebacteriaceae; Actinomycetales; Actinobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Originally isolated from the smear-ripened cheese Gubbeen. C. variabile is salt-tolerant and able to grow in the presence of 8.0% NaCl and at pH values below 4.9.