Query: NC_018528:1681060 Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 chromosome, complete genome

Lineage: Lactobacillus helveticus; Lactobacillus; Lactobacillaceae; Lactobacillales; Firmicutes; Bacteria

General Information: The homofermentative thermophilic lactic acid bacterium that is used in the manufacture of Swiss type and long-ripened Italian cheeses, such as Emmental, Grana, and Provolone cheeses.

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Subject: NC_012806:818592 Mycoplasma conjunctivae, complete genome

Lineage: Mycoplasma conjunctivae; Mycoplasma; Mycoplasmataceae; Mycoplasmatales; Tenericutes; Bacteria

General Information: Mycoplasma conjunctivae causes infectious keratoconjunctivitis in domestic and wild sheep and goats. In domestic animals treatment with antibiotics is effective, however, in wild animals this disease can lead to blindness and death. The primary habitats of human and animal mycoplasmas are mucous membranes of the respiratory and urogenital tracts, eyes, mammary glands and the joints.