Query: NC_018528:1681060 Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 chromosome, complete genome

Lineage: Lactobacillus helveticus; Lactobacillus; Lactobacillaceae; Lactobacillales; Firmicutes; Bacteria

General Information: The homofermentative thermophilic lactic acid bacterium that is used in the manufacture of Swiss type and long-ripened Italian cheeses, such as Emmental, Grana, and Provolone cheeses.

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Subject: NC_003869:45560 Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis MB4, complete genome

Lineage: Caldanaerobacter subterraneus; Caldanaerobacter; Thermoanaerobacteraceae; Thermoanaerobacterales; Firmicutes; Bacteria

General Information: This organism was originally isolated from a hot spring in Tengcong, China, and is the type strain for the species. Genomic analysis indicates it is similar to Bacillus halodurans and that it has one of the most biased leading strand distribution of genes. Although the organism has not been observed to be motile or to sporulate, it does contain genes for both functions. The bacterium produces acetate and ethanol from glucose and cannot degrade xylan and cellulose.