Query: NC_016112:3840053 Methylomicrobium alcaliphilum chromosome, complete genome
Lineage: Methylomicrobium alcaliphilum; Methylomicrobium; Methylococcaceae; Methylococcales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria
General Information: Methanotroph, Ammonia oxidation, Thiosulfate oxidation. Haloalkaliphilic methanotrophic bacterium. Halotolerant, alkaliphilic, obligate methanotrophic, Gram-negative bacterium isolated from moderately saline soda lakes in Tuva (Central Asia)
Subject: NC_016050:938000 Rickettsia japonica YH, complete genome
Lineage: Rickettsia japonica; Rickettsia; Rickettsiaceae; Rickettsiales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria
General Information: The causal agent of Oriental Spotted Fever. Human pathogen. Rickettsiae are obligate intracellular Gram-negative bacteria mostly found in arthropods, some of which cause mild to severe diseases in humans. Rickettsia japonica strain YH was isolated in 1985 from the blood of a patient with febrile exanthematous illness in Japan.