Query: NC_015931:134601 Pyrolobus fumarii 1A, complete genome

Lineage: Pyrolobus fumarii; Pyrolobus; Pyrodictiaceae; Desulfurococcales; Crenarchaeota; Archaea

General Information: Environment: Deep sea, Hydrothermal vent, Marine; Isolation: Hydrothermally heated black smoker wall; Temp: Hyperthermophile; Temp: 106C. Pyrolobus fumarii is an obligate chemolithotroph, gaining energy from the oxidation of hydrogen. This organism can grow at temperatures as high as 113 degrees C.

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Subject: NC_014374:193391 Acidilobus saccharovorans 345-15 chromosome, complete genome

Lineage: Acidilobus saccharovorans; Acidilobus; Acidilobaceae; Acidilobales; Crenarchaeota; Archaea

General Information: Acidilobus saccharovorans is an anaerobic thermoacidophilic crenarchaeon isolated from a hot spring of Uzon Caldera, Kamchatka, Russia. Acidophilic hyperthermophile. Members of this genus have been isolated from acidic hot spring environments and may make up a significant part of the microbial community in these environments.