Query: NC_014844:2028666 Desulfovibrio aespoeensis Aspo-2 chromosome, complete genome

Lineage: Desulfovibrio aespoeensis; Desulfovibrio; Desulfovibrionaceae; Desulfovibrionales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Country: Sweden; Environment: Animal intestinal microflora, Fresh water; Isolation: Granitic rock aquifer at 600 m depth; Temp: Mesophile; Temp: 30C. Desulfovibrio aespoeensis Aspo-2 is a halotolerant, sulfate-reducing Gram-negative bacterium isolated from granitic groundwater sampled at a depth of 600 m at Aspo hard rock laboratory, Sweden.

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Subject: NC_013730:6707812 Spirosoma linguale DSM 74, complete genome

Lineage: Spirosoma linguale; Spirosoma; Cytophagaceae; Cytophagales; Bacteroidetes; Bacteria

General Information: Isolation: Laboratory water bath; Temp: Mesophile; Temp: 20 - 30C; Habitat: Fresh water, Fresh water, Soil. Spirosoma linguale has been isolated from soil and fresh water. This bacterium is very pleomorphic with a cell shape appearing as filaments, helices, coils, rings and horseshoes.