Query: NC_014305:66500 Erwinia billingiae Eb661 plasmid pEB170, complete sequence

Lineage: Erwinia billingiae; Erwinia; Enterobacteriaceae; Enterobacteriales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: An Erwinia species isolated from trees. The nonpathogenic Erwinia billingiae strain Eb661 is an epiphyte isolated from a pear tree in England in 1959.

- Sequence; - BLASTN hit (Low score = Light, High score = Dark)
- hypothetical protein; - cds: hover for description

BLASTN Alignment.txt

Subject: NC_014258:42262 Pantoea vagans C9-1 plasmid pPag3, complete sequence

Lineage: Pantoea vagans; Pantoea; Enterobacteriaceae; Enterobacteriales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Pantoea vagans (strain C9-1) is a Gram-negative enterobacterial plant epiphyte isolated from apple. Pantoea vagans strains have been isolated from eucalyptus leaves showing symptoms of bacterial blightand die-back in Uganda, Uruguay and Argentina and from maize suffering from brown stalk rot in South frica.