Query: NC_014216:1061265 Desulfurivibrio alkaliphilus AHT2 chromosome, complete genome Lineage: Desulfurivibrio alkaliphilus; Desulfurivibrio; Desulfobulbaceae; Desulfobacterales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria General Information: Isolation: Sediments from a highly alkaline saline; Country: Egypt; Temp: Mesophile. Desulfurivibrio alkaliphilus was isolated from sediment from a highly alkaline saline soda lake in Egypt. This organism is alkaliphilic and salt-tolerant.
- Sequence; - BLASTN hit (Low score = Light, High score = Dark) - hypothetical protein; - cds: hover for description
General Information: Candidatus Amoebophilus asiaticus 5a2 is an obligate endosymbiont found in Acanthamoeba sp. TUMSJ-321. This organism is a member of the highly diverse bacterial phylum Bacteroidetes which includes the endosymbiont lineages represented by the sister taxa Candidatus A. asiaticus and Candidatus Cardinium hertigii, a symbiont of arthropods.