Query: NC_013790:756000 Methanobrevibacter ruminantium M1 chromosome, complete genome

Lineage: Methanobrevibacter ruminantium; Methanobrevibacter; Methanobacteriaceae; Methanobacteriales; Euryarchaeota; Archaea

General Information: Methanobrevibacter ruminantium is a dominant ruminant methanogen. It can be used as an indicator of fecal pollution from domesticated ruminants in environmental water samples.

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Subject: NC_014004:66631 Candidatus Sulcia muelleri DMIN chromosome, complete genome

Lineage: Sulcia muelleri; Sulcia; ; Flavobacteriales; Bacteroidetes; Bacteria

General Information: This organism is a gut symbiont of the Blue-Green Sharpshooter and several other leafhopper species. It synthesizes amino acids for the host, enabling the leafhopper to live on a diet of plant sap. The Blue-Green Sharpshooter is an important vector for Pierce's Disease in plants, caused by the spread of Xylella fastidiosa.