Query: NC_012815:1465670 Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis DSM 10140, complete genome

Lineage: Bifidobacterium animalis; Bifidobacterium; Bifidobacteriaceae; Bifidobacteriales; Actinobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (strain DSM 10140 / JCM 10602 / LMG 18314) is an anaerobic Gram-positive lactic acid bacterium commonly found in the guts of healthy humans and has been identified in the infant gut biota, particularly in ileal, fecal, and mucosal samples. Some strains of B. animalis subsp. lactis are able to survive in the GIT, to adhere to human epithelial cells in vitro, to modify fecal flora, to modulate the host immune response, or to prevent microbial gastroenteritis and colitis.

- Sequence; - BLASTN hit (Low score = Light, High score = Dark)
- hypothetical protein; - cds: hover for description

BLASTN Alignment.txt

Subject: NC_014160:43486 Thermosphaera aggregans DSM 11486 chromosome, complete genome

Lineage: Thermosphaera aggregans; Thermosphaera; Desulfurococcaceae; Desulfurococcales; Crenarchaeota; Archaea

General Information: Isolation: Hot spring from Obsidian Pool located in the Mud Volcano area of the Yellowstone National Park; Country: USA; Temp: Hyperthermophile; Temp: 85C; Habitat: Hot spring, Solfataric field. Thermosphaera aggregans is a hyperthermophilic archaeum isolated from terrestrial hot solfataric springs.