Query: NC_012582:272320 Vibrio cholerae O395 chromosome chromosome I, complete sequence

Lineage: Vibrio cholerae; Vibrio; Vibrionaceae; Vibrionales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Vibrio cholerae O395 is a classical O1 serotype strain of the Ogawa biotype. This genus is abundant in marine or freshwater environments such as estuaries, brackish ponds, or coastal areas; regions that provide an important reservoir for the organism in between outbreaks of the disease. Vibrio can affect shellfish, finfish, and other marine animals and a number of species are pathogenic for humans. Vibrio cholerae can colonize the mucosal surface of the small intestines of humans where it will cause cholera, a severe and sudden onset diarrheal disease. One famous outbreak was traced to a contaminated well in London in 1854 by John Snow, and epidemics, which can occur with extreme rapidity, are often associated with conditions of poor sanitation. The disease has a high lethality if left untreated, and millions have died over the centuries. There have been seven major pandemics between 1817 and today. Six were attributed to the classical biotype, while the 7th, which started in 1961, is associated with the El Tor biotype.

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Subject: NC_011901:2202690 Thioalkalivibrio sulfidophilus HL-EbGr7 chromosome, complete

Lineage: Thioalkalivibrio sulfidophilus; Thioalkalivibrio; Ectothiorhodospiraceae; Chromatiales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Obligately chemolithoautotrophic, haloalkaliphilic, mesophilic, microaerophilic and sulfur-oxidizing bacterium. Uses CO2 as a carbon source and reduced inorganic sulfur compounds as an energy source. Utilizes ammonium and urea, but not nitrate or nitrite, as a N-source. Isolated from a full-scale Thiopaq bioreactor in the Netherlands used to remove H2S from biogas. Thioalkalivibrio species are commonly isolated from soda lakes and tend to dominate the microbial community of hypersaline soda lakes. These organisms have a pH optimum of 10 and are able to oxidize hydrogen sulfide to elemental sulfur. Thioalkalivibrio species have also been isolated from sulfide oxidizing bioreactors which remove sulfide from refinery and natural gas.