Query: NC_011567:204772 Anoxybacillus flavithermus WK1, complete genome

Lineage: Anoxybacillus flavithermus; Anoxybacillus; Bacillaceae; Bacillales; Firmicutes; Bacteria

General Information: Anoxybacillus flavithermus, formerly Bacillus flavothermus, was isolated from a hot spring in New Zealand. This organism can tolerate a pH of up to 9.0. Gram-positive bacteria of the genus Anoxybacillus have been found in diverse thermophilic habitats, such as geothermal hot springs and manure, and in processed foods such as gelatin and milk powder.

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Subject: NS_000195:1257834 Candidatus Cloacamonas acidaminovorans

Lineage: Cloacimonas acidaminovorans; Cloacimonas; ; ; unclassified Bacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Syntrophic bacterium that is present in many anaerobic digesters. The sludge sample was obtained from an anaerobic mesophilic digester (7,000 m3) at the Evry wastewater treatment plant (250,000 population equivalents), located about 35 km south of Paris, France.