Query: NC_011004:5283648 Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1, complete genome

Lineage: Rhodopseudomonas palustris; Rhodopseudomonas; Bradyrhizobiaceae; Rhizobiales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: This strain was isolated from an iron-rich microbial mat from School Street Marsh in Woods Hole, MA, USA. It grows photoautotrophically with Fe(II), H2, or thiosulfate as the electron donor, photoheterotrophically with a variety of organic carbon sources and chemoheterotrophically in the dark. This organism has a diverse metabolism and is capable of growth using light, inorganic, or organic compounds as energy sources and carbon dioxide or organic compounds as carbon sources. Commonly found in soil and water environments this bacterium is also capable of degrading a wide range of toxic organic compounds, and may be of use in bioremediation of polluted sites. The bacterium undergoes differentiation to produce a stalked nonmotile cell and a motile flagellated cell. In the presence of light, this bacterium produces a number of intracellular membranous vesicles to house the photosynthetic reaction centers.

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Subject: NC_007426:205390 Natronomonas pharaonis DSM 2160, complete genome

Lineage: Natronomonas pharaonis; Natronomonas; Halobacteriaceae; Halobacteriales; Euryarchaeota; Archaea

General Information: Isolated from Lake Gabara in Egypt. Extreme haloalkaliphilic archeon. Natronomonas pharaonis is able to survive at high salt and pH conditions which results in limited nitrogen availability through ammonium. In order to compensate for this, Natronomonas pharaonis has developed three systems to promote nitrogen assimilation: direct uptake of ammonia, uptake of nitrate, and uptake of urea. Another problem with high pH environments is the use of a proton gradient for the generation of ATP, which other alkaliphiles have adapted to by substitution of sodium ions for protons. However, this organism utilizes protons for ATP generation as determined by experimental data.