Query: NC_009633:4097536 Alkaliphilus metalliredigens QYMF chromosome, complete genome

Lineage: Alkaliphilus metalliredigens; Alkaliphilus; Clostridiaceae; Clostridiales; Firmicutes; Bacteria

General Information: This bacterium is an alkiphilic, moderately halophilic metal-reducing bacterium isolated from borax leachate ponds. It can reduce iron and other metals under alkaline conditions.

- Sequence; - BLASTN hit (Low score = Light, High score = Dark)
- hypothetical protein; - cds: hover for description

BLASTN Alignment.txt

Subject: NC_015520:2974048 Mahella australiensis 50-1 BON chromosome, complete genome

Lineage: Mahella australiensis; Mahella; Thermoanaerobacterales Family IV; Thermoanaerobacterales; Firmicutes; Bacteria

General Information: Country: Australia; Environment: Oil fields; Isolation: Riverslea oil field in the Bowen-Surat; Temp: Thermophile; Temp: 50C. Mahella australiensis is a spore-forming thermophile and was originally isolated from an Australian oil reservoir.