Query: NC_009075:92210 Burkholderia pseudomallei 668 chromosome II, complete sequence

Lineage: Burkholderia pseudomallei; Burkholderia; Burkholderiaceae; Burkholderiales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Isolated from the blood of a 53 year old male patient with severe melioidosis encephalomyelitis in Darwin, Australia in 1995. This species is an opportunistic pathogen and can cause pneumonia, bacteremia, and melioidosis. It is normally found in terrestrial environments and has been recovered from rice paddies and moist tropical soil. It is endemic in Asia and Australia, but can be found in other parts of the world. The organism can exist intracellularly and can spread through the bloodstream (bacteremia).

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Subject: NC_002977:925588 Methylococcus capsulatus str. Bath, complete genome

Lineage: Methylococcus capsulatus; Methylococcus; Methylococcaceae; Methylococcales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Methane-utilizing bacterium. This organism is a methanotroph, and can utilize methane (methanol) as the sole carbon and energy source through the use of monooxygenases. The Methylococci are environmentally important since they are involved in oxidation of methane, a greenhouse gas, and may also be used for bioremediation of polluted sites.