Query: NC_007973:3240866 Ralstonia metallidurans CH34 chromosome 1, complete sequence

Lineage: Cupriavidus metallidurans; Cupriavidus; Burkholderiaceae; Burkholderiales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: This strain was first identified in the heavy metal-contaminated sludge of a settling tank in Belgium in the late 1970s. This organism, formerly Ralstonia metallidurans, is capable of growth in the presence of a large number of heavy metals including silver, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, mercury, nickel, lead, thallium, and zinc.

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Subject: NC_007948:360199 Polaromonas sp. JS666, complete genome

Lineage: Polaromonas; Polaromonas; Comamonadaceae; Burkholderiales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: This strain was isolated from sediment contaminated with cis-dichloroethane (cDCE), a common pollutant resulting from widespread manufacture and use of industrial solvents. This bacterium is the only known organism capable of using cDCE as a sole carbon and energy source. The ability of this strain to convert ethene to epoxyethane suggests that the first step in the cDCE biodegradation pathway is the oxidation of cDCE to an epoxide compound. Bacteria that are able to grow on cDCE are rare, and have only been found in very few highly selective artificial environments. The discovery of this bacteria may provide a low cost, self-sustaining bioremediation method in areas where cDCE is a problem contaminant.