Query: NC_014160:1273859 Thermosphaera aggregans DSM 11486 chromosome, complete genome
D: 34.3385
Host Lineage: Thermosphaera aggregans; Thermosphaera; Desulfurococcaceae; Desulfurococcales; Crenarchaeota; Archaea
General Information: Isolation: Hot spring from Obsidian Pool located in the Mud Volcano area of the Yellowstone National Park; Country: USA; Temp: Hyperthermophile; Temp: 85C; Habitat: Hot spring, Solfataric field. Thermosphaera aggregans is a hyperthermophilic archaeum isolated from terrestrial hot solfataric springs.
Number of Neighbours: 4
Islands with an asterisk (*) contain ribosomal proteins or RNA related elements and may indicate a False Positive Prediction!
Subject Island | Subject Host Description |
Compositional Similarity |
Proposed Island Flow | Subject Island D |
NC_014160:869873* | Thermosphaera aggregans DSM 11486 chromosome, complete genome | 77.1936 % | Subject ←→ Query | 34.533 |
NC_014160:43486* | Thermosphaera aggregans DSM 11486 chromosome, complete genome | 77.3652 % | Subject ←→ Query | 43.0368 |
NC_014160:801618* | Thermosphaera aggregans DSM 11486 chromosome, complete genome | 81.1918 % | Subject ←→ Query | 35.8515 |
NC_014160:1239811* | Thermosphaera aggregans DSM 11486 chromosome, complete genome | 83.1863 % | Subject ←→ Query | 35.5367 |