Pre_GI Island

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n1_4mer:GRV/n1_4mer:RV = (Global Relative Variance of OU patterns) / (Local Relative Variance of OU patterns)

n0_4mer:D = Distance between local and global OU patterns

n0_4mer:PS = Distance between 2 strands of same DNA molecule

Selected loci indicated by large D, increased GRV associated with decreased RV and moderate increase in PS

NC_013798: Streptococcus gallolyticus UCN34, complete genome

NCBI: NC_013798

Host Lineage: Streptococcus gallolyticus; Streptococcus; Streptococcaceae; Lactobacillales; Firmicutes; Bacteria

General Information: Isolated from a human case of endocarditis associated with colon cancer in Caen, France in 2001. Streptococci are non-motile, Gram-positive cocci with widely varying pathogenic potential that occur in pairs or chains. Streptococcus gallolyticus (strain UCN34, biotype I) is a commensal Gram-positive bacterium isolated from various habitats, including feces of many animals and from human clinical sources. S. gallolyticus is part of the rumen flora but also a cause of disease in ruminants as well as in birds (septicemia in pigeons, outbreaks in broiler flocks, or bovine mastitis). This is a tannin-degrading Streptococcus species. Strains have been isolated from various habitats, including feces of many animals and from human clinical sources. This organism can be a cause of infectious endocarditis.

Islands with an asterisk (*) contain ribosomal proteins or RNA related elements and may indicate a False Positive Prediction!

#StartEndLengthIsland TextGRV_RVDPSNeighboursClusterSub ClusterBLASTNKey Word ConfirmationOther DB ConfirmationDownload Island
1345339*37221626878Island text2.9069628.296941.6723Neighbours21BLASTN+345339.gbk
21744118176331619199Island text1.9592121.844630.3021NeighboursBLASTNIslandViewer 1744118.gbk
31778758180316524408Island text2.2194622.276332.373Neighbours21BLASTNIslandViewer 1778758.gbk