Pre_GI: Sub Cluster Statistics

Sub Cluster: 3_2

Number of Islands: 207


Domain# of Hosts# of Hosts as Percentage of Cluster
Archaea10.48 %
Bacteria20699.52 %


Phylum# of Hosts# of Hosts as Percentage of Cluster
Bacteroidetes188.70 %
Chloroflexi136.28 %
Chrysiogenetes10.48 %
Euryarchaeota10.48 %
Firmicutes5024.15 %
Proteobacteria7636.71 %
Spirochaetes4019.32 %
Thermotogae10.48 %
Verrucomicrobia73.38 %


Order# of Hosts# of Hosts as Percentage of Cluster
Anaerolineales104.83 %
Bacillales20.97 %
Bacteroidales10.48 %
Chrysiogenales10.48 %
Clostridiales3617.39 %
Cytophagales31.45 %
Dehalococcoidales31.45 %
Desulfobacterales2914.01 %
Desulfovibrionales146.76 %
Desulfuromonadales10.48 %
Flavobacteriales136.28 %
Methanosarcinales10.48 %
Methylacidiphilales73.38 %
Rhizobiales10.48 %
Selenomonadales94.35 %
Sphingobacteriales10.48 %
Sphingomonadales146.76 %
Spirochaetales4019.32 %
Syntrophobacterales178.21 %
Thermoanaerobacterales31.45 %
Thermotogales10.48 %


Family# of Hosts# of Hosts as Percentage of Cluster
Acidaminococcaceae83.86 %
Anaerolineaceae104.83 %
Bacillaceae20.97 %
Bacteroidaceae10.48 %
Chrysiogenaceae10.48 %
Clostridiaceae20.97 %
Cyclobacteriaceae31.45 %
Dehalococcoidaceae20.97 %
Desulfobacteraceae2512.08 %
Desulfobulbaceae41.93 %
Desulfohalobiaceae20.97 %
Desulfovibrionaceae125.80 %
Eubacteriaceae10.48 %
Flavobacteriaceae136.28 %
Geobacteraceae10.48 %
Lachnospiraceae73.38 %
Methanosarcinaceae10.48 %
Methylacidiphilaceae73.38 %
Peptococcaceae2612.56 %
Rhizobiaceae10.48 %
Sphingobacteriaceae10.48 %
Sphingomonadaceae146.76 %
Spirochaetaceae4019.32 %
Syntrophaceae178.21 %
Thermoanaerobacterales Family III31.45 %
Thermotogaceae10.48 %
Unclassified10.48 %
Veillonellaceae10.48 %


Genus# of Hosts# of Hosts as Percentage of Cluster
Acidaminococcus83.86 %
Anaerolinea104.83 %
Bacillus20.97 %
Bacteroides10.48 %
Clostridium94.35 %
Dehalobacter10.48 %
Dehalococcoides20.97 %
Dehalogenimonas10.48 %
Desulfatibacillum20.97 %
Desulfitobacterium188.70 %
Desulfobacca125.80 %
Desulfobacterium188.70 %
Desulfobacula52.42 %
Desulfocapsa41.93 %
Desulfohalobium20.97 %
Desulfotomaculum52.42 %
Desulfovibrio125.80 %
Desulfurispirillum10.48 %
Echinicola31.45 %
Eubacterium10.48 %
Geobacter10.48 %
Liberibacter10.48 %
Megasphaera10.48 %
Methanosarcina10.48 %
Methylacidiphilum73.38 %
Pedobacter10.48 %
Robiginitalea125.80 %
Sphaerochaeta20.97 %
Spirochaeta10.48 %
Syntrophobotulus20.97 %
Syntrophus52.42 %
Thermosediminibacter31.45 %
Thermotoga10.48 %
Treponema3717.87 %
Zunongwangia10.48 %
Zymomonas146.76 %