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CDS with a similar description: type III secretion system protein PrgHEprH

CDS descriptionCDS accessionIslandHost Description
Type III secretion system protein PrgH/EprHNC_013961:1622616:1636255NC_013961:1622616Erwinia amylovora, complete genome
Type III secretion system protein PrgH/EprHNC_013961:851044:860963NC_013961:851044Erwinia amylovora, complete genome
type III secretion system protein PrgH/EprHNC_010468:906957:920622NC_010468:906957Escherichia coli ATCC 8739, complete genome
type III secretion system protein PrgH/EprHCP002516:903241:916902CP002516:903241Escherichia coli KO11, complete genome
type III secretion system protein PrgH/EprHNC_016902:903241:916902NC_016902:903241Escherichia coli KO11FL chromosome, complete genome