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CDS with a similar description: tail assembly chaperone gp38

CDS descriptionCDS accessionIslandHost Description
tail assembly chaperone gp38NC_012880:2480000:2483113NC_012880:2480000Dickeya dadantii Ech703, complete genome
phage tail assembly chaperone gp38NC_013508:2587913:2595683NC_013508:2587913Edwardsiella tarda EIB202, complete genome
phage tail assembly chaperone gp38NC_020181:5130513:5172712NC_020181:5130513Enterobacter aerogenes EA1509E, complete genome
phage tail assembly chaperone gp38NC_009436:1141376:1151960NC_009436:1141376Enterobacter sp. 638, complete genome
Phage tail assembly chaperone gp38NC_014306:103545:131102NC_014306:103545Erwinia billingiae Eb661, complete genome