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CDS with a similar description: phage terminase large subunit GpA

CDS descriptionCDS accessionIslandHost Description
Phage terminase large subunit (GpA)NC_012724:3100430:3103231NC_012724:3100430Burkholderia glumae BGR1 chromosome 1, complete genome
phage terminase large subunit (GpA)NC_009801:2193000:2193020NC_009801:2193000Escherichia coli E24377A, complete genome
phage terminase large subunit (GpA)NC_015873:1193843:1227903NC_015873:1193843Megasphaera elsdenii DSM 20460, complete genome
phage terminase large subunit (GpA)NC_011420:36272:52465NC_011420:36272Rhodospirillum centenum SW, complete genome