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CDS with a similar description: malonate transporter subunit

CDS descriptionCDS accessionIslandHost Description
malonate transporter subunit MadMNC_020302:85821:123298NC_020302:85821Corynebacterium halotolerans YIM 70093 = DSM 44683, complete
malonate transporter subunit MadLNC_010511:7553703:7555598NC_010511:7553703Methylobacterium sp. 4-46 chromosome, complete genome
malonate transporter subunit MadMNC_010511:7553703:7556050NC_010511:7553703Methylobacterium sp. 4-46 chromosome, complete genome
malonate transporter subunitNC_014307:1855356:1873844NC_014307:1855356Ralstonia solanacearum CFBP2957 chromosome, complete genome