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CDS with a similar description: iron-sulfur cluster repair di-iron protein

CDS descriptionCDS accessionIslandHost Description
iron-sulfur cluster repair di-iron proteinNC_014972:137184:154159NC_014972:137184Desulfobulbus propionicus DSM 2032 chromosome, complete genome
iron-sulfur cluster repair di-iron proteinNC_014973:1336500:1352970NC_014973:1336500Geobacter sp. M18 chromosome, complete genome
iron-sulfur cluster repair di-iron proteinNC_019978:416637:428432NC_019978:416637Halobacteroides halobius DSM 5150, complete genome
iron-sulfur cluster repair di-iron proteinNC_015873:2197412:2216209NC_015873:2197412Megasphaera elsdenii DSM 20460, complete genome
iron-sulfur cluster repair di-iron proteinNC_013730:2187898:2203995NC_013730:2187898Spirosoma linguale DSM 74, complete genome
iron-sulfur cluster repair di-iron proteinNC_019897:1224798:1257515NC_019897:1224798Thermobacillus composti KWC4 chromosome, complete genome
iron-sulfur cluster repair di-iron proteinNC_016614:1152500:1171085NC_016614:1152500Vibrio sp. EJY3 chromosome 2, complete sequence