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CDS with a similar description: cytochrome b subunit of formate dehydrogenase

CDS descriptionCDS accessionIslandHost Description
Cytochrome b subunit of formate dehydrogenase-like proteinNC_013741:838243:842792NC_013741:838243Archaeoglobus profundus DSM 5631, complete genome
cytochrome b subunit of formate dehydrogenase-like proteinNC_015185:485866:501026NC_015185:485866Desulfurobacterium thermolithotrophum DSM 11699 chromosome,
Cytochrome b subunit of formate dehydrogenase-like proteinNC_010571:3322467:3337763NC_010571:3322467Opitutus terrae PB90-1, complete genome
cytochrome b subunit of formate dehydrogenaseNC_009454:2801808:2806213NC_009454:2801808Pelotomaculum thermopropionicum SI, complete genome