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CDS with a similar description: Protein of unknown function CGGC region

CDS descriptionCDS accessionIslandHost Description
Protein of unknown function CGGC regionNC_009922:2487492:2490305NC_009922:2487492Alkaliphilus oremlandii OhILAs, complete genome
Protein of unknown function CGGC regionNC_011830:633195:653697NC_011830:633195Desulfitobacterium hafniense DCB-2, complete genome
Protein of unknown function CGGC regionNC_013173:1712138:1736327NC_013173:1712138Desulfomicrobium baculatum DSM 4028, complete genome
Protein of unknown function CGGC regionNC_013887:1383127:1392312NC_013887:1383127Methanocaldococcus sp. FS406-22 chromosome, complete genome
Protein of unknown function CGGC regionNC_014002:1772060:1792577NC_014002:1772060Methanohalophilus mahii DSM 5219 chromosome, complete genome
Protein of unknown function CGGC regionNC_013520:91961:110617NC_013520:91961Veillonella parvula DSM 2008, complete genome