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CDS with a similar description: Nucleotide binding protein PINc

CDS descriptionCDS accessionIslandHost Description
Nucleotide binding protein, PINcNC_008758:143907:177990NC_008758:143907Polaromonas naphthalenivorans CJ2 plasmid pPNAP02, complete
Nucleotide binding protein, PINcNC_009033:791515:825922NC_009033:791515Staphylothermus marinus F1, complete genome
Nucleotide binding protein, PINcNC_013769:1528196:1531724NC_013769:1528196Sulfolobus islandicus L.D.8.5 chromosome, complete genome
Nucleotide binding protein, PINcNC_007516:774489:810899NC_007516:774489Synechococcus sp. CC9605, complete genome
Nucleotide binding protein, PINcNC_008698:471564:486297NC_008698:471564Thermofilum pendens Hrk 5, complete genome