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CDS with a similar description: Isopenicillin N synthase

CDS descriptionCDS accessionIslandHost Description
Isopenicillin N synthaseNC_016937:141984:171096NC_016937:141984Francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis TI0902 chromosome,
Isopenicillin N synthaseNC_016933:141984:171096NC_016933:141984Francisella tularensis TIGB03 chromosome, complete genome
dioxygenase, isopenicillin N synthaseNC_019973:5899142:5904805NC_019973:5899142Mesorhizobium australicum WSM2073, complete genome
dioxygenase, isopenicillin N synthaseNC_020541:2264521:2285279NC_020541:2264521Rhodanobacter sp. 2APBS1, complete genome