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CDS with a similar description: DNA repair and recombination protein RadA

CDS descriptionCDS accessionIslandHost Description
DNA repair and recombination protein RadANC_011766:1106739:1136697NC_011766:1106739Desulfurococcus kamchatkensis 1221n chromosome, complete genome
DNA repair and recombination protein RadANC_007955:2122437:2138696NC_007955:2122437Methanococcoides burtonii DSM 6242, complete genome
DNA repair and recombination protein RadANC_009635:985935:1003924NC_009635:985935Methanococcus aeolicus Nankai-3 chromosome, complete genome
DNA repair and recombination protein RadANC_005213:202400:375398NC_005213:202400Nanoarchaeum equitans Kin4-M, complete genome
DNA repair and recombination protein RadANC_005213:295994:375398NC_005213:295994Nanoarchaeum equitans Kin4-M, complete genome
DNA repair and recombination protein RadANC_013922:1855000:1856981NC_013922:1855000Natrialba magadii ATCC 43099 chromosome, complete genome