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CDS with a similar description: DNA double-strand break repair rad50 ATPase

CDS descriptionCDS accessionIslandHost Description
DNA double-strand break repair Rad50 ATPaseNC_014166:1008266:1026842NC_014166:1008266Arcobacter nitrofigilis DSM 7299 chromosome, complete genome
putative DNA double-strand break repair Rad50 ATPaseNC_009714:727679:727255NC_009714:727679Campylobacter hominis ATCC BAA-381, complete genome
DNA double-strand break repair rad50 ATPaseNC_014010:1392536:1405858NC_014010:1392536Candidatus Puniceispirillum marinum IMCC1322 chromosome, complete
DNA double-strand break repair rad50 ATPaseNC_013446:1648556:1703982NC_013446:1648556Comamonas testosteroni CNB-2, complete genome
DNA double-strand break repair rad50 ATPaseNC_015636:1603664:1611552NC_015636:1603664Methanothermococcus okinawensis IH1 chromosome, complete genome
DNA double-strand break repair rad50 ATPaseNC_016051:1005188:1026183NC_016051:1005188Thermococcus sp. AM4 chromosome, complete genome