Islands with an asterisk (*) contain ribosomal proteins or RNA related elements and may indicate a False Positive Prediction!
Subject Island | Start | End | Length | Subject Host Description | E-value | Bit score | Visual BLASTN | Visual BLASTP |
NC_015593:2103815* | 2103815 | 2148252 | 44438 | Sphingobium chlorophenolicum L-1 chromosome chromosome 1, complete | 5e-52 | 214 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_007722:2172000 | 2172000 | 2195183 | 23184 | Erythrobacter litoralis HTCC2594, complete genome | 1e-28 | 137 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_007722:168937 | 168937 | 199287 | 30351 | Erythrobacter litoralis HTCC2594, complete genome | 1e-28 | 137 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_007778:5079500* | 5079500 | 5101702 | 22203 | Rhodopseudomonas palustris HaA2, complete genome | 2e-26 | 129 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_007626:1202704 | 1202704 | 1226141 | 23438 | Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1, complete genome | 2e-23 | 119 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_004463:1369165 | 1369165 | 1395134 | 25970 | Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 110, complete genome | 6e-21 | 111 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_009952:997950* | 997950 | 1020599 | 22650 | Dinoroseobacter shibae DFL 12, complete genome | 6e-21 | 111 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_009720:4124255 | 4124255 | 4151274 | 27020 | Xanthobacter autotrophicus Py2, complete genome | 9e-20 | 107 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_020453:896458* | 896458 | 919178 | 22721 | Agromonas oligotrophica S58 DNA, complete genome | 3e-19 | 105 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_006569:69939* | 69939 | 103350 | 33412 | Silicibacter pomeroyi DSS-3 megaplasmid, complete sequence | 1e-18 | 103 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_008789:1237969* | 1237969 | 1262099 | 24131 | Halorhodospira halophila SL1, complete genome | 2e-17 | 99.6 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_009439:4661102* | 4661102 | 4681910 | 20809 | Pseudomonas mendocina ymp, complete genome | 3e-16 | 95.6 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_008048:389645 | 389645 | 427599 | 37955 | Sphingopyxis alaskensis RB2256, complete genome | 1e-15 | 93.7 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_013858:416000* | 416000 | 453099 | 37100 | Azospirillum sp. B510 plasmid pAB510d, complete sequence | 2e-14 | 89.7 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_016026:1760856* | 1760856 | 1782599 | 21744 | Micavibrio aeruginosavorus ARL-13 chromosome, complete genome | 8e-14 | 87.7 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_014221:2392150* | 2392150 | 2416242 | 24093 | Truepera radiovictrix DSM 17093 chromosome, complete genome | 3e-13 | 85.7 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_013889:2603914* | 2603914 | 2628246 | 24333 | Thioalkalivibrio sp. K90mix chromosome, complete genome | 1e-12 | 83.8 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_006177:12383* | 12383 | 32847 | 20465 | Symbiobacterium thermophilum IAM 14863, complete genome | 1e-12 | 83.8 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_003317:1719546* | 1719546 | 1747393 | 27848 | Brucella melitensis 16M chromosome I, complete sequence | 2e-11 | 79.8 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_010169:261473* | 261473 | 282387 | 20915 | Brucella suis ATCC 23445 chromosome I, complete sequence | 2e-11 | 79.8 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_011887:110618 | 110618 | 136888 | 26271 | Methylobacterium nodulans ORS 2060 plasmid pMNOD02, complete | 2e-11 | 79.8 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_015857:265721* | 265721 | 289686 | 23966 | Brucella pinnipedialis B2/94 chromosome chromosome 1, complete | 2e-11 | 79.8 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_015594:579354* | 579354 | 604766 | 25413 | Sphingobium chlorophenolicum L-1 chromosome chromosome 2, complete | 8e-11 | 77.8 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_011901:3072817* | 3072817 | 3098099 | 25283 | Thioalkalivibrio sulfidophilus HL-EbGr7 chromosome, complete | 8e-11 | 77.8 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_002696:2941644* | 2941644 | 2964613 | 22970 | Caulobacter crescentus CB15, complete genome | 8e-11 | 77.8 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_015437:2164997* | 2164997 | 2185599 | 20603 | Selenomonas sputigena ATCC 35185 chromosome, complete genome | 1e-09 | 73.8 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_010545:11950* | 11950 | 60853 | 48904 | Corynebacterium urealyticum DSM 7109, complete genome | 1e-09 | 73.8 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_006177:280234* | 280234 | 319207 | 38974 | Symbiobacterium thermophilum IAM 14863, complete genome | 1e-09 | 73.8 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_006932:266000* | 266000 | 290599 | 24600 | Brucella abortus biovar 1 str. 9-941 chromosome I, complete | 5e-09 | 71.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_007618:262415* | 262415 | 286307 | 23893 | Brucella melitensis biovar Abortus 2308 chromosome I, complete | 5e-09 | 71.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_007626:1091000 | 1091000 | 1110438 | 19439 | Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1, complete genome | 5e-09 | 71.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_014844:3538432* | 3538432 | 3557613 | 19182 | Desulfovibrio aespoeensis Aspo-2 chromosome, complete genome | 2e-08 | 69.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_008319:478499* | 478499 | 518323 | 39825 | Synechococcus sp. CC9311, complete genome | 2e-08 | 69.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_006322:4149500* | 4149500 | 4187609 | 38110 | Bacillus licheniformis ATCC 14580, complete genome | 8e-08 | 67.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_006582:4256915* | 4256915 | 4287392 | 30478 | Bacillus clausii KSM-K16, complete genome | 8e-08 | 67.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_009720:216589* | 216589 | 240975 | 24387 | Xanthobacter autotrophicus Py2, complete genome | 8e-08 | 67.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_010681:1202929 | 1202929 | 1226526 | 23598 | Burkholderia phytofirmans PsJN chromosome 1, complete sequence | 8e-08 | 67.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_011894:3319856 | 3319856 | 3361099 | 41244 | Methylobacterium nodulans ORS 2060, complete genome | 8e-08 | 67.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_014976:1174430* | 1174430 | 1199195 | 24766 | Bacillus subtilis BSn5 chromosome, complete genome | 8e-08 | 67.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
UCMB5137:276121* | 276121 | 296416 | 20296 | Bacillus atrophaeus UCMB-5137 | 8e-08 | 67.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_006270:4149004* | 4149004 | 4187599 | 38596 | Bacillus licheniformis ATCC 14580, complete genome | 8e-08 | 67.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_007516:413159* | 413159 | 446183 | 33025 | Synechococcus sp. CC9605, complete genome | 3e-07 | 65.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_012808:1122341* | 1122341 | 1159209 | 36869 | Methylobacterium extorquens AM1, complete genome | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_012808:1220378* | 1220378 | 1269484 | 49107 | Methylobacterium extorquens AM1, complete genome | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_012808:3711806 | 3711806 | 3734099 | 22294 | Methylobacterium extorquens AM1, complete genome | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_012808:3897751 | 3897751 | 3922639 | 24889 | Methylobacterium extorquens AM1, complete genome | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_012673:2368971* | 2368971 | 2388605 | 19635 | Exiguobacterium sp. AT1b, complete genome | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_012673:1650139* | 1650139 | 1668721 | 18583 | Exiguobacterium sp. AT1b, complete genome | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_012483:3529895 | 3529895 | 3553420 | 23526 | Acidobacterium capsulatum ATCC 51196, complete genome | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_011567:2327870* | 2327870 | 2349599 | 21730 | Anoxybacillus flavithermus WK1, complete genome | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_010742:264433* | 264433 | 288099 | 23667 | Brucella abortus S19 chromosome 1, complete sequence | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_008254:102465* | 102465 | 123360 | 20896 | Mesorhizobium sp. BNC1, complete genome | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_012808:3972983 | 3972983 | 3995422 | 22440 | Methylobacterium extorquens AM1, complete genome | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_012808:4137000* | 4137000 | 4168017 | 31018 | Methylobacterium extorquens AM1, complete genome | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_019940:2236630* | 2236630 | 2258111 | 21482 | Thioflavicoccus mobilis 8321 chromosome, complete genome | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_019973:5650646 | 5650646 | 5694284 | 43639 | Mesorhizobium australicum WSM2073, complete genome | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_015675:6276357 | 6276357 | 6339520 | 63164 | Mesorhizobium opportunistum WSM2075 chromosome, complete genome | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_012811:410776 | 410776 | 437237 | 26462 | Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 megaplasmid, complete sequence | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_012811:1105395 | 1105395 | 1129599 | 24205 | Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 megaplasmid, complete sequence | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_012808:921985 | 921985 | 944629 | 22645 | Methylobacterium extorquens AM1, complete genome | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_012808:806432* | 806432 | 831357 | 24926 | Methylobacterium extorquens AM1, complete genome | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_012808:4877703 | 4877703 | 4895599 | 17897 | Methylobacterium extorquens AM1, complete genome | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_012808:4235567* | 4235567 | 4258126 | 22560 | Methylobacterium extorquens AM1, complete genome | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_012808:420334* | 420334 | 446109 | 25776 | Methylobacterium extorquens AM1, complete genome | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_010125:148500 | 148500 | 176227 | 27728 | Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PAl 5, complete genome | 5e-06 | 61.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_010125:1051735 | 1051735 | 1082599 | 30865 | Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PAl 5, complete genome | 5e-06 | 61.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_009952:366959* | 366959 | 401841 | 34883 | Dinoroseobacter shibae DFL 12, complete genome | 5e-06 | 61.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_009952:3522370* | 3522370 | 3561804 | 39435 | Dinoroseobacter shibae DFL 12, complete genome | 5e-06 | 61.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_009952:2661268* | 2661268 | 2685335 | 24068 | Dinoroseobacter shibae DFL 12, complete genome | 5e-06 | 61.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_007958:830000* | 830000 | 861402 | 31403 | Rhodopseudomonas palustris BisB5, complete genome | 5e-06 | 61.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_010125:1538335 | 1538335 | 1586030 | 47696 | Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PAl 5, complete genome | 5e-06 | 61.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_010125:2813653 | 2813653 | 2837234 | 23582 | Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PAl 5, complete genome | 5e-06 | 61.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_010125:381711 | 381711 | 404054 | 22344 | Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PAl 5, complete genome | 5e-06 | 61.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_010125:955863* | 955863 | 1002785 | 46923 | Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PAl 5, complete genome | 5e-06 | 61.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_011004:4947980* | 4947980 | 4970583 | 22604 | Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1, complete genome | 5e-06 | 61.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_011894:3029964 | 3029964 | 3077454 | 47491 | Methylobacterium nodulans ORS 2060, complete genome | 5e-06 | 61.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_014926:295988* | 295988 | 326949 | 30962 | Thermovibrio ammonificans HB-1 chromosome, complete genome | 5e-06 | 61.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_015580:293803 | 293803 | 337873 | 44071 | Novosphingobium sp. PP1Y, complete genome | 5e-06 | 61.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_007626:3522265 | 3522265 | 3618428 | 96164 | Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1, complete genome | 5e-06 | 61.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |