Islands with an asterisk (*) contain ribosomal proteins or RNA related elements and may indicate a False Positive Prediction!
Subject Island | Start | End | Length | Subject Host Description | E-value | Bit score | Visual BLASTN | Visual BLASTP |
NC_003197:920000 | 920000 | 944394 | 24395 | Salmonella typhimurium LT2, complete genome | 0 | 43050 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_011080:924326 | 924326 | 946963 | 22638 | Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Newport str. SL254, | 0 | 42680 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_011083:967260 | 967260 | 989099 | 21840 | Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Heidelberg str. SL476, | 0 | 41260 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_010102:2178594 | 2178594 | 2203462 | 24869 | Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Paratyphi B str. SPB7, | 0 | 25360 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_006905:946418 | 946418 | 972141 | 25724 | Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Choleraesuis str | 0 | 23750 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_006511:2718401 | 2718401 | 2737051 | 18651 | Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Paratyphi A str. ATCC | 0 | 11730 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_011080:2870428 | 2870428 | 2894130 | 23703 | Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Newport str. SL254, | 0 | 5079 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_010067:2488141 | 2488141 | 2519373 | 31233 | Salmonella enterica subsp. arizonae serovar 62:z4,z23:--, complete | 0 | 3798 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_012917:1923059* | 1923059 | 1947695 | 24637 | Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum PC1, complete genome | 3e-121 | 444 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_015061:2770856 | 2770856 | 2795599 | 24744 | Rahnella sp. Y9602 chromosome, complete genome | 4e-96 | 361 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_014500:894136 | 894136 | 935464 | 41329 | Dickeya dadantii 3937 chromosome, complete genome | 1e-92 | 349 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_013508:2356865* | 2356865 | 2388599 | 31735 | Edwardsiella tarda EIB202, complete genome | 2e-91 | 345 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_013592:804288 | 804288 | 834594 | 30307 | Dickeya dadantii Ech586, complete genome | 4e-90 | 341 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_015424:3112637* | 3112637 | 3180033 | 67397 | Aeromonas veronii B565 chromosome, complete genome | 5e-43 | 184 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_012917:1740542 | 1740542 | 1766929 | 26388 | Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum PC1, complete genome | 5e-43 | 184 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_009832:1664238 | 1664238 | 1696232 | 31995 | Serratia proteamaculans 568, complete genome | 2e-42 | 182 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_020211:1655826* | 1655826 | 1678705 | 22880 | Serratia marcescens WW4, complete genome | 2e-33 | 153 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_014837:3766426 | 3766426 | 3795237 | 28812 | Pantoea sp. At-9b chromosome, complete genome | 3e-26 | 129 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_007712:433500 | 433500 | 457599 | 24100 | Sodalis glossinidius str. 'morsitans', complete genome | 4e-19 | 105 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_020064:1611820* | 1611820 | 1635185 | 23366 | Serratia marcescens FGI94, complete genome | 1e-12 | 83.8 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_015572:1974000* | 1974000 | 1996165 | 22166 | Methylomonas methanica MC09 chromosome, complete genome | 5e-12 | 81.8 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_014958:843456* | 843456 | 869437 | 25982 | Deinococcus maricopensis DSM 21211 chromosome, complete genome | 2e-11 | 79.8 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_006155:2208686* | 2208686 | 2232425 | 23740 | Yersinia pseudotuberculosis IP 32953, complete genome | 2e-11 | 79.8 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_010634:2124185* | 2124185 | 2148749 | 24565 | Yersinia pseudotuberculosis PB1/+, complete genome | 8e-11 | 77.8 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_008702:1094663* | 1094663 | 1118488 | 23826 | Azoarcus sp. BH72, complete genome | 3e-10 | 75.8 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_004347:4211241* | 4211241 | 4236439 | 25199 | Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, complete genome | 1e-09 | 73.8 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_006511:2677964 | 2677964 | 2701108 | 23145 | Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Paratyphi A str. ATCC | 3e-07 | 65.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_012779:2424967* | 2424967 | 2449599 | 24633 | Edwardsiella ictaluri 93-146, complete genome | 3e-07 | 65.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_004741:310382* | 310382 | 337780 | 27399 | Shigella flexneri 2a str. 2457T, complete genome | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_004337:309833* | 309833 | 338646 | 28814 | Shigella flexneri 2a str. 301, complete genome | 1e-06 | 63.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_020064:79422* | 79422 | 125241 | 45820 | Serratia marcescens FGI94, complete genome | 5e-06 | 61.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_014306:103545 | 103545 | 131692 | 28148 | Erwinia billingiae Eb661, complete genome | 5e-06 | 61.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_009348:4135002 | 4135002 | 4161512 | 26511 | Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida A449, complete genome | 5e-06 | 61.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |
NC_009348:1663870* | 1663870 | 1682980 | 19111 | Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida A449, complete genome | 5e-06 | 61.9 | BLASTN svg | BLASTP svg |